Thursday, 20 July 2023

Google search review system and your website July 2023

Google search review system and your website

The review system aims to reward high-quality reviews, which are content providing critical analysis and original research written by experts or enthusiasts. This page provides more information on how the review system works and how you can rate and improve your content.

How the review system works
The review system ensures that users are shown reviews that share in-depth research, not rote content that summarizes a number of products, services or other things.

The review system is intended to be related to articles, blog posts, pages or similar first-party content and written with the intent of making a recommendation, opinion, or providing analysis. Similar reviews posted by users in the review section of the products or services page are not evaluated.

Reviews can be about the same thing or can be head-to-head comparisons or ranked lists of recommendations. Reviews can be on any topic. For example, there may be reviews of laptops or winter jackets, responses to media such as movies or video games, or reviews of services and businesses such as restaurants or fashion brands.

The review system primarily evaluates review content at the page level. However, for sites with an abundance of review content, any content within the site may be rated by the system. If you have very few reviews, it's less likely to get rated site-wide.

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